Under construction
We’re currently building this website. When it’s ready it’ll have easy to read information for young people aged 14-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) on topics like mental health, housing, friendships, careers and more, along with details about our groups and services, plus fun stuff like quizzes and blogs. Check back soon!

At Amazing Futures, we offer:
- groups and activities
- SEND advice and information
- disability benefits help
- careers support (Brighton only)
- volunteering opportunities
- support to get your voice heard
Everything we do is free or low cost, and you don’t have to have a diagnosis.
Groups and activities
Have fun, try new things, and be unapologetically you!

Check out upcoming groups and activities here: East Sussex timetable | Brighton timetable
If you’d like to join Amazing Futures you’ll need to fill out a registration form:
East Sussex registration form [pdf 123kb]
Brighton & Hove registration form [pdf 123kb]
Aged 18 to 25? Why not volunteer with our friendly team?
Learn new skills, improve your CV, and have fun – free training provided, plus t-shirt and hoodie.
Contact us
Get in touch if you have any questions or want to join Amazing Futures:
Brighton & Hove groups and activities: call/text Jem on 07485 349659 or email our Brighton team
East Sussex groups and activities: call/text Claire on 07484 915038 or email our East Sussex team
Careers help (Brighton only): call/text Dara on 07485 345903 or email Careers
SEND advice and information or benefits help: call our SENDIASS advice line on 01273 772289 or email SENDIASS