Using this site

How we make our site accessible to people with disabilities.

Teenage boy using laptop with headphones on

We want this website to be as accessible to people with disabilities as possible.

Young people with disabilities were involved throughout the design and development process.

On this page you can learn about our accessibility features, how to get around the site, and more.

Girl using phone and wearing headphones

Accessibility features

Our website is designed to meet WCAG 2 accessibility standards, but there are also some features you can use to make our site really work for you:

Calm mode

If you want to make the colours on the website less bright, you can turn on “calm mode” using the switch/button at the top of the screen.

On mobile it looks like this: calm mode icon

On PC it looks like this: Calm mode toggle

Click it again if you want to turn it off.

Here is an example of what it does:

Normal: a vibrant image. Calm mode: the same image but with subdued, desaturated colours.

Text size

We have used a large text size on this website as standard, but you can also use our text size controls to make the text bigger.

On mobile, click on burger menu icon in the top right to find the text size controls. On PC, you will find them at the top of the screen.

Click on Increase text size icon to make text bigger, and Decrease text size icon to make text smaller again, or click Reset text size icon to go back to the original text size.

Your browser should remember the text size you used last time.

Dark mode

Our website can be viewed in dark mode or light mode. Dark mode means the website uses dark backgrounds. Some people find this easier to look at.

The website should load in the mode your browser normally uses, but you can also turn it on and off using the control in the bottom right of the screen:

Turn on dark mode: dark mode

Turn off dark mode: light mode icon

Here is an example of what it does:

Light mode: Dark purple text against a light green background. Dark mode: Light tan text against a dark green background.

Easy Read

Most pages on the site can be read as regular text, or Easy Read.

Regular text means a page with text and images like most pages on the internet.

Easy Read has less text, you get one sentence at a time, and there is an image with each sentence.

There will be a button like this that you can use to switch between regular text or Easy Read: Easy Read or Regular Text buttons

(On PC these buttons are side by side instead of one above the other.)

On mobile, Easy Read view looks like this:

Easy Read slide with an image above a sentence, with arrows to either side. In the bottom left is a link reading "Back to start", in the bottom right it says "1 of 18".

(On PC the image is to the left of the text instead of above it.)

Swipe right or click on the arrow to move to the next sentence. If you want to go back to the beginning use the “Back to start” link at the bottom of the slide.

At the bottom right of the slide it will tell you how many slides there are, and how far through you are. For example 1 of 17 – you are on the first slide, and there are 17 slides in total.

Subtitles on videos

All of our videos have subtitles. Most of our videos allow you to turn these on and off using this button at the bottom of the video on YouTube: Subtitles / captions icon

Scalable layout (so you can resize your browser)

You can change the size and shape of the internet browser on your PC and our website layout will adjust to match.

  • If your internet browser currently completely fills the screen, click on the “restore down” button restore down icon next to the close icon in the top right of your screen. This will make the window smaller so you can see the edges.
  • Move the pointer to the edge of the window until the resizing arrow (eg diagonal resize arrow or sideways resize arrow ) appears
  • Click and drag the edges to the shape and size you want

If you want the window to fill your screen again, just hit restore icon next to the close icon in the corner.

Whenever you next hit restore down icon it will return to the last size and shape you adjusted the browser to (regardless of what website you were viewing at the time).

Getting around the site


You can get around our website pages using the menu.

On mobile, click on burger menu icon in the top right, and this will bring up the menu.

On PC, you will find the menu along the top of the website at all times.

Search bar

You can use the search function search icon to look for pages.

On mobile, click on burger menu icon in the top right, and you will find the search function underneath the menu.

On PC, the search function is in the top right of the website at all times.

Home page

If you click on the Amazing Futures logo in the top left of the website, it will take you back to the website home page.

Site map

At the very bottom of the website, in the footer menu, you will find a link to the site map – this is a list of every page on the website. You may find this useful if you are using a screen reader, or need to get around the website using only your keyboard.

Footer menu

Links to pages that give you legal information are in the footer menu, at the very bottom of the website.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can get around this website using just your keyboard, for example if you use a screen reader.

You can find information about keyboard shortcuts for your internet browser here:

Microsoft Edge – keyboard shortcuts

Google Chrome – keyboard shortcuts

Firefox  – keyboard shortcuts

Opera – keyboard shortcuts

Safari – keyboard shortcuts

Silk – user guide

documentsDownloading documents

Most documents on this site are in PDF format. You can view PDFs in most browsers, or download a free PDF reader. If you require any documents in a different format or size please contact us.

Customising your computer

AbilityNet and the BBC have developed some tutorials which tell you how to customise your computer to give you a better experience when using the web. For example, you can find out how to:

  • change how information is shown on your screen, to fit more in, or to see content more clearly
  • change colours and fonts, for example if you have a visual impairment and need more contrast
  • adapt the mouse to slow it down, make the pointer bigger, or swap the buttons over for left-handed use
  • change a variety of keyboard settings, including the rate at which the cursor blinks.

Go to AbilityNet for more information, or My Web My Way to see the tutorials.